Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12-16

Monday- Begin dividing decimals by decimals HW- pg 33-34, and problem solving worksheet
Tuesday- More dividing decimals by decimals HW Skills Review 4-14
Wednesday- Problem Solving, Bargain Shopper/pg 37
Thursday- Lab and/or Versatiles No HW
Friday- Shortened classes due to Pizza and a movie, No HW

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Homework Club

We now have Homework Club!  Teachers will pick the night(s) they can work. The teacher will then identify students  they need  to work with. Students may also ask to stay also. Students who stay and waste time or distract others will not be welcome to return. The time will be 2:30-3:30. Bus riders will be able to ride the bus home with the elementary students. This week I am staying Wednesday and Thursday. I will try to work at least one night a week.

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5-9

Monday- Decimal X Decimal  HW Problem Solving
Tuesday- Partner Practice, Quiz, No HW
Wednesday- Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers- HW worksheet with 1 digit divisor
Thursday- Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers- HW worksheet with 2 digit divisors
Friday- Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers- HW Problem Solving
Singapore Math Packet Due

Singapore Math

Students will be receiving a packet each week We will be reviewing skills from 5th grade and 6th grade in an attempt to reinforce and lock in knowledge. It will be due on Friday and will count as a grade.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28- December 2

We regrouped after break and the plans changed a little so here they are a little late. :-)

Monday- Computer Lab in Media Center to practice addition and subtraction of decimals
Tuesday- "Shopping at Meijer" with the Meijer ad for more practice on adding and subtracting decimals. HW Decimal Review Worksheet
Wednesday- Begin Multiplication, Decimal multiplied by a Whole Number, HW worksheet
Thursday- Decimal multiplied by a Whole Number (Problem Solving), HW worksheet
Friday- Decimal multiplied by a Decimal, HW worksheet

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 21-22

Oops :-)

Monday- Reviewing adding and subtracting decimals. HW Worksheet with problem solving.
Tuesday- Quiz- Adding and Subtracting Decimals No HW

Wishing all a safe and love filled Thanksgiving!Thank you for sharing yourselves and your children with me :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 14-18

Monday- Go over Unit Test and Pre Test- No HW
Tuesday- Adding Decimals- HW- 2nd page front and back
Wednesday- Adding Decimals- HW- Problem Solving
Thursday- Subtracting Decimals- HW- 2nd page front and back
Friday- Subtracting Decimals- HW- Problem Solving

There will be an advanced math/enrichment group depending on the scores on the Pretest. Students were told a week ahead and had an opportunity to prepare if they chose to.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-11

Monday- Unit Test 1B- Division of Whole Numbers
Tuesday- Pretest 1C Decimals. Students who demonstrate proficiency will have the opportunity for advanced math during this unit.
Wednesday- Friday CAMP!!

Students not attending camp are expected to be in school. Students need to report to Room 2, my room, on Wednesday if they are not going to camp.

Please check to make sure your child has pencils. Any donations of Kleenex will be greatly appreciated too. Thank you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31-November 4


Monday- Dividing with Zeros in the Quotient- HW R4-7/P4-7
Tuesday- Reviewing Division- HW back of worksheet
Wednesday- Quiz on Dividing Whole Numbers with Two Digit Divisors- HW Study Guide for Unit Test due Friday
Thursday-Post Test
Friday- Go over Study Guide, Compare Pre Test and Post Test, HW Study for Unit Test on Monday

Study Guide with parent note that student studied is two points extra credit on the test :-)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Student Led Conferences

Thursday, October27th and and Tuesday, November 1st from 4:30-7:00!! Hope to see you there!

October 24-28

Monday- Both groups- Preparation for Student Led Conferences and Reviewing Division, Vocabulary Review, HW- Reviewing Division
Tuesday- Quiz on Single Digit Division, No HW
Wednesday- Problem Solving with division, HW- Interpreting Remainders
Thursday- Two Digit Divisors, HW-P4-4
Friday- Dividing Larger Numbers, HW- P 4-5

Monday, October 17, 2011

Advanced Math

Our new unit is division. There is a wide range of scores on the pretest. Many children do not need a review of division. Based on their score on the pretest, some will be in an advanced group for this unit. Advanced math will work on math that is enriching and hopefully fun. We will pretest every unit and there will be an opportunity for advanced math each time.

October 17-21

Lesson Plans
Monday- Return Pretests. Begin Dividing Whole Numbers. HW- P3-6
Tuesday/Wednesday- MEAP in the A.M. Tuesday- 3rd and 4th hours in P.M., Wednesday-6th and 7th hours in the P.M., Dividing with zero in the quotient, HW P3-7
Thursday- Dividing Larger Dividends, HW P3-8
Friday- Vocabulary and Division Review

Monday, October 10, 2011


Tuesday MEAP all day
Wednesday MEAP in the AM
Thursday MEAP make ups

Please help your child to be ready for the MEAP. Pleanty of rest, breakfast, and sharpened #2 pencils!

October 10-14

Monday- Post Test over Unit 1A. We will compare scores to the pretest and celebrate all that the students have learned :-)
Tuesday- MEAP
Wednesday- MEAP in the AM.
Thursday- Unit Test over Unit 1A! This is the real deal! Worth 200 points. Signed study guide earns two extra credit points!!
Friday- Pre Test over division

Monday, October 3, 2011


Next week we begin MEAP Week. Please encourage your child to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast everyday. Also, please send a healthy snack and #2 pencils. Being prepared has proven to increase test scores!!

Spirit Week October 3-7

Today is dress like a slob day.
Tuesday- Wacky Hair Day
Wednesday- Stuffed Animal Day
Thursday- Make Yourself Art Day
Friday- Blue and White Day

October 3-7, 2011

Monday- Partner Quiz on LCM, Quiz on LCM, No HW
Tuesday- Begin Distributive Property- Lesson Handout, HW Practice DP
Wednesday- Continue Distributive Property, HW More Practice DP
Thursday- Review on Distributive Property and Vocabulary, No HW
Friday- Quiz on Distributive Property, Post Test on Factors, Multiples, Distributive Property, Study Guide on Factors, Multiples, Distributive Property for Unit Test on Wednesday

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26-30

Tuesday- Begin LCM (Least Common Multiple) Lesson 5-1. HW 5-1 Problem Solving
Wednesday- Continue LCM HW- 5-1 Reading Strategies/ Practice A
Thursday- Computer Lab to practice LCM, No HW
Friday- 5-1 Vocabulary, Venn Diagram, and Versatiles, No HW

September 26-30

Tuesday- Begin Lesson 5-1 Least Common Multiple HW

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19-23 2011

Monday- Greatest Common Factors- Lesson 4-3, HW 4-3 Reading Strategies
Tuesday- Factor Game in computer lab, HW Factor Game
Wednesday- HW 4-3 Practice B
Thursday- 4-3 Partner Quiz, 4-3 Individual Quiz, No HW
Friday- Vocabulary and Versatiles, No HW


If you are checking PowerSchool,  you will notice a pretest grade for our first unit. A pretest sets the baseline for what the students already know before being taught the unit. The posttest will show how much they have learned. We are looking for growth, a higher score on the posttest. The pretest does not count towards the grade.

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 12-16

Students will need their math materials on Monday. They need to bring a 1 1/2 inch binder, a spiral notebook, and 5 dividers. Please make sure that your child has pencils too, please.

Lesson Plans:
Monday- Pretest Unit 1A Factors and Multiples, Set up binder
Tuesday- 4-2 Factors and Prime Factorization, HW- 4-2 Practice B
Wednesday- 4-2 Quiz, HW 4-2 Challenge/ Problem Solving
Thursday- Vocabulary Activity, Versatiles. No HW
Friday- 4-3 GCF, HW 4-3 Reading Strategies

Look for a large envelope full of important papers today. Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6 - Friday, September 9

Tuesday- Tour the room. Daily routine. Student Interviews.
Wednesday- Vocabulary Sort
Thursday- Set up binders (need 1 1/2 inch binder, spiral notebook, dividers). Versatiles
Friday- Basic Skills Test

Monday, August 22, 2011

Twenty Days in the DR

My son Chris and I spent 20 days in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip this summer. This is the third time that I have gone there. We worked one week in a small school for very impoverished children (no running water, no electricity, dirt floors. not enough to eat etc.). The second week we hosted a VBS in a batey. These children also live in very poor conditions. We planned for 50 children and there were 109 the last day! FUN!!!

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to school and welcome to the middle school! I am preparing for the new school year and looking forward to meeting all of you! Enjoy the remainder of your vacation and get ready for an awesome school year!!