Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31-November 4


Monday- Dividing with Zeros in the Quotient- HW R4-7/P4-7
Tuesday- Reviewing Division- HW back of worksheet
Wednesday- Quiz on Dividing Whole Numbers with Two Digit Divisors- HW Study Guide for Unit Test due Friday
Thursday-Post Test
Friday- Go over Study Guide, Compare Pre Test and Post Test, HW Study for Unit Test on Monday

Study Guide with parent note that student studied is two points extra credit on the test :-)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Student Led Conferences

Thursday, October27th and and Tuesday, November 1st from 4:30-7:00!! Hope to see you there!

October 24-28

Monday- Both groups- Preparation for Student Led Conferences and Reviewing Division, Vocabulary Review, HW- Reviewing Division
Tuesday- Quiz on Single Digit Division, No HW
Wednesday- Problem Solving with division, HW- Interpreting Remainders
Thursday- Two Digit Divisors, HW-P4-4
Friday- Dividing Larger Numbers, HW- P 4-5

Monday, October 17, 2011

Advanced Math

Our new unit is division. There is a wide range of scores on the pretest. Many children do not need a review of division. Based on their score on the pretest, some will be in an advanced group for this unit. Advanced math will work on math that is enriching and hopefully fun. We will pretest every unit and there will be an opportunity for advanced math each time.

October 17-21

Lesson Plans
Monday- Return Pretests. Begin Dividing Whole Numbers. HW- P3-6
Tuesday/Wednesday- MEAP in the A.M. Tuesday- 3rd and 4th hours in P.M., Wednesday-6th and 7th hours in the P.M., Dividing with zero in the quotient, HW P3-7
Thursday- Dividing Larger Dividends, HW P3-8
Friday- Vocabulary and Division Review

Monday, October 10, 2011


Tuesday MEAP all day
Wednesday MEAP in the AM
Thursday MEAP make ups

Please help your child to be ready for the MEAP. Pleanty of rest, breakfast, and sharpened #2 pencils!

October 10-14

Monday- Post Test over Unit 1A. We will compare scores to the pretest and celebrate all that the students have learned :-)
Tuesday- MEAP
Wednesday- MEAP in the AM.
Thursday- Unit Test over Unit 1A! This is the real deal! Worth 200 points. Signed study guide earns two extra credit points!!
Friday- Pre Test over division

Monday, October 3, 2011


Next week we begin MEAP Week. Please encourage your child to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast everyday. Also, please send a healthy snack and #2 pencils. Being prepared has proven to increase test scores!!

Spirit Week October 3-7

Today is dress like a slob day.
Tuesday- Wacky Hair Day
Wednesday- Stuffed Animal Day
Thursday- Make Yourself Art Day
Friday- Blue and White Day

October 3-7, 2011

Monday- Partner Quiz on LCM, Quiz on LCM, No HW
Tuesday- Begin Distributive Property- Lesson Handout, HW Practice DP
Wednesday- Continue Distributive Property, HW More Practice DP
Thursday- Review on Distributive Property and Vocabulary, No HW
Friday- Quiz on Distributive Property, Post Test on Factors, Multiples, Distributive Property, Study Guide on Factors, Multiples, Distributive Property for Unit Test on Wednesday