Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 28- December 2

We regrouped after break and the plans changed a little so here they are a little late. :-)

Monday- Computer Lab in Media Center to practice addition and subtraction of decimals
Tuesday- "Shopping at Meijer" with the Meijer ad for more practice on adding and subtracting decimals. HW Decimal Review Worksheet
Wednesday- Begin Multiplication, Decimal multiplied by a Whole Number, HW worksheet
Thursday- Decimal multiplied by a Whole Number (Problem Solving), HW worksheet
Friday- Decimal multiplied by a Decimal, HW worksheet

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 21-22

Oops :-)

Monday- Reviewing adding and subtracting decimals. HW Worksheet with problem solving.
Tuesday- Quiz- Adding and Subtracting Decimals No HW

Wishing all a safe and love filled Thanksgiving!Thank you for sharing yourselves and your children with me :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 14-18

Monday- Go over Unit Test and Pre Test- No HW
Tuesday- Adding Decimals- HW- 2nd page front and back
Wednesday- Adding Decimals- HW- Problem Solving
Thursday- Subtracting Decimals- HW- 2nd page front and back
Friday- Subtracting Decimals- HW- Problem Solving

There will be an advanced math/enrichment group depending on the scores on the Pretest. Students were told a week ahead and had an opportunity to prepare if they chose to.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-11

Monday- Unit Test 1B- Division of Whole Numbers
Tuesday- Pretest 1C Decimals. Students who demonstrate proficiency will have the opportunity for advanced math during this unit.
Wednesday- Friday CAMP!!

Students not attending camp are expected to be in school. Students need to report to Room 2, my room, on Wednesday if they are not going to camp.

Please check to make sure your child has pencils. Any donations of Kleenex will be greatly appreciated too. Thank you!