Friday, January 20, 2012

January 23-26

Monday- Fraction X Whole Number, HW - 5-6 Practice B
Tuesday- Illustrating Fraction X Fraction, HW- Worksheet
Wednesday- Fraction X Fraction, HW - Worksheet
Thursday- Illustrating Fraction X Mixed Number, HW Worksheet

Short Week- No Singagpore Packet

Deadline to retake Decimal Test is 1-27-12. If not retaken and passed by then, it will need to be done in Saturday School.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 16-20

Monday- New Singapore Packet (due next Monday), Unit Expectations, Vocabulary List, HW- Lowest Terms Wksht 6-4
Tuesday- Computer Lab, No HW
Wednesday- Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions, HW 6-7
Thursday- Begin illustrating a Fraction X  Whole Number, HW Worksheet
Friday- Fraction X Whole Number, HW 5-6 Practice B

Friday, January 6, 2012


Please check with your child to make sure that she/he has pencils!! I do not lend them and could not keep up if I did :-)
Also we go through a lot of tissue! I have provided the first ten boxes. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!

Singapore Packets

The purpose of the Singapore Packets is to touch on things that are a review or even preview things not covered this year. They have not been graded so far but this one will be. The grade will be based on effort. I do not expect the students to be able to solve all of the story problems. I do expect them to try and to ask for help.I am encouraging students to draw pictures or use methods other than algorithms (formulas or steps) if they have difficulty. There will be problems that students can use calculators on but they will be identified as such. I am trying to cover all of the bases and have the students well prepared for seventh grade and beyond!! Thank you for your support!!

January 9-13, 2012

Monday- Go over Study Guide, return Post Tests (compare Pre Test to Post Test to look for growth) , Singapore Packet #3   Homework for tonight is to study for the Unit Test. A parent signature (parent signature signifies student studied)on the Study Guide earns two points extra credit on the test!
Tuesday- Unit Test, No HW Work on Singapore Packet
Wednesday- Pre Test over multiplying and dividing fractions. No HW- work on Singapore Packet
Thursday- Intro to unit. Vocabulary and review Lowest Terms. HW Worksheet
Friday- Begin Mixed Numbers. HW Worksheet and Singapore Packet due Monday.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3-6, 2012

We are beginning to prepare for our next unit test. It will cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals.

Tuesday- Problem Solving using all four operations with decimals HW worksheet p.38
Wednesday- Problem Solving using all four operations with decimals HW p.40 and Quiz on division
Thursday- Problem Solving using all four operations with decimals HW p.42
Friday- Study Guide and Post Test

Unit Test "The Big Kahuna" next week