Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28- November 1

All three grade levels have taken the Star Math Test. The computer will now assign a "library" where the students will work at their own level. Today we worked on Math Facts in a Flash. Again students will progress at their own speed.

Sixth Grade- This week's Learning Target will be CC.5.OA.1, Evaluating Numerical Expressions. We are using the On Core Workbook to review skills from 5th grade.

Seventh Grade- This week's Learning Target will be CC.6.NS.3, Dividing Decimals. We are using the On Core Workbook to review skills from 6th grade.

Eighth Grade- This week's Learning Target is CC.7.NS.2b, Dividing Rational Numbers. We are using the On Core Workbooks to review skills from 7th grade.

The way this will look is three days on the computer working on Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math and two days reviewing previously taught skills.

I will be in the building at an on-site training on Monday. I am looking forward to learning the final parts of the Accelerated Math Program!

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 21-25, 2013

All three grade levels will be given the Star Math Test on Tuesday. This will determine where the  students' practice should begin. We will use Accelerated Math to practice at school as well as a math facts component. Students will have usernames and passwords so they can practice at home too. The test will given every six to eight weeks to measure growth from the practice.

Sixth Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.5.NBT.1, Decimal Place Value.

Seventh Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.6.NS.3, Multiplying Decimals.

Eight Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.7.NS.2a and CC.7.NS.2c, Multiplying Rational Numbers.

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 14-18, 2013

All three grade levels are reviewing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals.

This week we will MEAP two days.

Sixth grade's learning target this week will be to analyze patterns and relationships. CC.5.OA.B3

Seventh grade's learning target will be CC.6.NS.3 this week.  Fluently adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each.

Eighth grade's learning target will be to add and subtract rational numbers including CC.7.NS.1a, CC.7.NS. 1b, CC.7.NS.1c, CC.7.NS. 1d.

Math MEAP this week!!!!! Our kids will rock the math MEAP!!!!

Looking forward to starting our new on-line math program, Accelerated Math, soon!!