Friday, December 6, 2013

December 9-13, 2013

Grades 6-8 will use Accelerated Math on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Grade Six

Monday- Lesson 8-CC5NBT1- I can read and write whole numbers through hundred millions. Page 15-16
Wednesday- Lesson 9- CC5NBT1- I can read, model, and write decimals to thousandths. Page 17-18
Friday- Lesson 10- CC5NBT2- I can write and evaluate repeated factors in exponent form. Page 19-20.

Grade Seven

Monday- Lesson 2-1, I can represent positive and negative numbers on a number line. Pages 37-38
Wednesday- Lesson 2-2, I can compare and order positive and negative numbers. Page 39-42.
Friday- Continue Lesson 2-2.

Grade Eight

Monday- Continue adding/subtracting positive and negative integers. Worksheet 12-9-13
Wednesday- Continue- Worksheet 12-11-13
Friday- Continue- Worksheet 12-13-13