Friday, March 21, 2014

March 24-28, 2014

Sixth Grade- Continue Lesson 27 (Division with two digit divisors) page 54
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-3 CC6EE7- I can solve equations that contain multiplication or division. page 93-96
Eighth Grade- Continue circumference of a circle. Worksheets #5-7

Sixth - Eighth- Star Math Test

Sixth Grade- Continue two digit divisor division. Page 56 #5-16
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-4 CC6EE9- I can use equations, tables, and graphs to represent relationships between two variables. Page 97-100
Eighth Grade- Continue circumference, worksheets #8-11

Sixth-Eighth- Accelerated Math

Sixth Grade- Continue two digit divisor division. Worksheet
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-5 CC6EE5, CC6EE6, CC6EE8- I can represent solutions of inequalities. Page 101-104

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 17-March 21, 2014

Monday and Wednesday- Accelerated Math all three grade levels

Friday- Funday- Farkle or Accelerated Math

Sixth Grade- Lesson 26- CC5NBT6 I can estimate quotients using compatible numbers. Page 51-52

Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-2 CC6EE7 I can solve equations that contain addition or subtraction. page 89-92

Eighth Grade- Lesson 5-1 CC7G4 I can find the circumference of a circle. Page 111-114

Sixth Grade- Lesson 27 CC5NBT6 I can divide by 2-digit divisors. Page 53-54

Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-3 CC6EE7 I can solve equations that contain multiplication or division. Page 93-96

Eighth Grade- Lesson 5-2 CC7G4 I can find the area of a circle. Page 115-118