Friday, May 2, 2014

May 5 - May 9, 2014

Monday -
All grades will have a review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of mixed numbers.

Tuesday/Thursday - Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. Students took the Star Math Test this week. Ask yours how he/she did!

Wednesday -
Sixth Grade- Lesson 35 CC5NBT7 I can identify, describe, and create numeric patterns with decimals. page 69-70
Seventh Grade - Lesson 5-3 CC6RP2, CC6 RP3b I Can use unit rate to solve problems and make comparisons. page 119-122
Eighth Grade- Continue with area and perimeter of quadrilaterals. Worksheet

Friday -
Sixth Grade- Lesson 36 CC5NBT7 I can solve problems using the strategy "make a table". page 71-72
Seventh Grade - Lesson 5-4 CC6RP3c I can relate percents to fractions and decimals. page 123-126
Eighth Grade - Continue with area and perimeter of quadrilaterals. Worksheet