Friday, September 26, 2014

September 29- October 3, 2014

Math Skills 7th and 8th Grade

We are going to begin reviewing basic skills one day a week with worksheets. I will teach a whole group lesson to begin. Next the students will practice together. Students will finish independently. I am beginning with everyone's favorite....Fractions!

The other four days will be Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. Students are progressing well!

No homework in Math Skills!!!!

Science 8th Grade

We have begun the Biogeochemical Cycles. Thursday and Friday we drew and added color to the Nitrogen Cycle and Carbon Cycle.

Monday and Tuesday we will label the cycles and discuss in class. No homework!
Wednesday we will watch a video about  global warming and some of the effects through the lives three sets of animals.Students will need to write a summary. It will be due Friday in case we have to finish the video Thursday.
Thursday we will begin a Biogeochemical foldable.
Friday we will finish foldable if necessary then begin a handout with more information on the Biogeochemical cycles. No homework.

Math Skills- Grading

Math Skills will be graded on a pass/fail system. Students will be evaluated on their level of effort. They will earn one point each day for good effort. Passing will be 70% or higher.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014

Math Skills- No homework. Students will work on Chrome Books in class using Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. This will be everyday until further notice.

Science 8

Our overall unit is Earth Science. Currently we are studying the four subsystems of the Earth, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere.
The three assignments for this week were:
1. Lesson 1-1 and 1-2
2. Education
3. Details and visual of the four subsystems. This was due today so is not in Power
School yet.

Week of September 22, 2014
1. Monday we will continue with the systems and whether they are open or closed. We will also continue with the open closed chart. Due Tuesday.
2.Earth Systems Science handout (Can you get the idea systems are important?) :-) This will be a two day assignment.

Donations of Kleenex would be greatly appreciated.
Students need a three ring binder and colored pencils, if they wish. I have some but not all of the colors they like.

I had knee replacement surgery August 6th so did not start the year. My surgeon is amazed at my progress and I returned to school September 8th, two weeks earlier than she would have predicted.

Please email any concerns to