Friday, October 24, 2014


Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math
Students work at their individual level in both programs.

8th Grade Science

TEST on Wednesday

Monday- Students will complete an illustration of the chemical composition of the Earth's Layers vs the physical properties.

Tuesday- Students will complete a set of flashcards to review for the test.

Wednesday- Test over layers of the Earth. This is a much shorter est and unit than the last one.

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 20-24, 2014

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math on the Chrome Books
Wednesday- Continue division with fractions in the packets.

8th Grade Science

Monday- I am offering an extra credit opportunity on Monday. I will give the students a picture of the Carbon Cycle and/or the Nitrogen Cycle. They will have a choice of either labeling the drawing or writing a paragraph explaining the drawing. If time, we will go over The Layered Earth and I will collect the labeled drawing they did in class on Friday.
Tuesday- Bill Nye video on the Earth's Crust and two music videos on the same.
Wednesday- Worksheet over Bill Nye Video
Thursday- Read about Earth's Layers
Friday- Compare and contrast Earth's Layers by Chemical Composition and Physical Properties and oceanic crust and continental crust. Students will complete a "Double Bubble" on each.

More after the weekend!! Hope yours is full of sunshine!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 13-17, 2014

Eighth Grade Science

Monday- Review for test
Tuesday- Review for test
Wednesday- Test
Thursday- Go over test. Begin Layers of the Earth. No homework
Friday- Continue layers of the Earth. No homework

Math Skills
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Wednesday- Group lesson- Dividing fractions

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6-10, 2014

Math Skills

Monday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Tuesday- Star Math Test. We will take it once a month to track progress.
Wednesday- Continue packet on multiplication of fractions.
Thursday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Friday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math

8th Grade Science

Monday- Pretest for Interim Benchmark Test- The score will show up in Power School but does not factor into the grade. Returned the quizzes the students took Friday. Ask your child how they did!
Tuesday- We will read about the Nitrogen Cycle and answer questions.
Wednesday- Biogeochemical Foldable
Thursday- Continue foldable
Friday- Earth Science DVD.