Friday, April 18, 2014

April 21-25, 2014

Tuesday and Thursday Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math 6th - 8th grade.


6th Grade- Lesson 30 CC5NBT7- I can model decimal addition using base ten blocks.  page 59-60
7th Grade- Continue Unit 4 Problem Solving Connection, begin Unit 4 Test Prep
8th Grade- Lesson 5-3 CC7G6- I can find the area of composite figures. page 119-122


6th Grade- Lesson 31 CC5NBT7- I can model decimal subtraction using base-ten blocks. page 61-62
7th Grade- Go over PSC and collect Test Prep
8th Grade- Lesson 5-4 CC7G6- I can find the surface area of a figure made of prisms. page 123-126


6th Grade- Lesson 32 CC5NBT7- I can use rounding to estimate sums and differences. page 63-64
7th Grade- Lesson 51 CC6RP1, CC6RP3a, I can write ratios and equivalent ratios. page 113-116
8th Grade- Lesson 5-5 CC7G6- I can find the volume of a figure made of cubes and prisms. page 127-130

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