Friday, March 1, 2013

March 4-8

Sixth Grade

Monday- Complete Basic Skills Test
Tuesday- Continue Learning Target- I can represent numbers by using exponents, Know It Notes 1-3 (red book), HW 1-3 Practice B and 1-3 Practice C
Wednesday- Continue HW 1-2 (blue book)Reading Strategies/1-2 Puzzles, Twisters and Teasers
Thursday- Begin Order of Operations 1-4 Know It Notes (red book), HW 1-4 Practice B
Friday- Continue Order of Operations 1-5 (blue book), HW 1-5 Practice B

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue Learning Target- I can find a number when the percent is known.HW 6-4 Reading Strategies and 6-4 Puzzles, Twisters, and Teasers
Tuesday- Continue 6-4, HW 6-4 Practice B
Wednesday- Begin 6-5, Learning Target- I can solve multi-step percent problems, find percent  increase or decrease, HW 6-5 Practice A
Thursday- Continue 6-5, HW 6-5 Practice B
Friday- Continue 6-5, HW 6-5 Reteach and 6-5 Problem Solving

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