Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7, 2014

What a week!! More snow coming?

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
All three grades will be working on the computers using Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. I am very pleased with the growth the students are showing!!!

Sixth Grade- Lesson 17 - CC5NBT5- I can multiply by one digit numbers. Page 33-34
Seventh Grade-Lesson 3-2- CC6EE2a and CC6EE6- I can use variables and constants to write algebraic expressions. Page 63-66
Eighth Grade- Quiz- Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers

Sixth Grade- Lesson 18- CC5NBT5- I can multiply by two digit numbers. Page 35-36
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-3 - CC6EE2b- I can identify and describe parts of an expression. Page 67-68
Eighth Grade-  Problem Solving Connections Unit 1. Use Learning Targets from Unit One to solve a problem with a partner.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 27 - January 31, 2014

Interim Benchmark Testing is over!!! Ask your child how they scored on their Star Math Mid Term.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
All three grades will work on Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math.

Sixth Grade- Lesson 16 - CC5NBT4- I can round decimals to any place. Page 31-32
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-1-CC6EE1- I can use exponents to represent numbers. Page 59-62
Eighth Grade- Review Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers (integers, decimals, fractions)

Sixth Grade- Lesson 17- CC6NBT5- I can multiply by one digit numbers. Page 33-34
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-2 CC6EE2a and CC6EE6- I can use variables and constants to write algebraic expressions Page 63-66
Eighth Grade- Quiz over Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20, 2014 - January 24, 2014

Interim Benchmark Testing

The Interim Benchmark Test for our class will be the Star Math Test. It is a part of our Accelerated Math Program. Please encourage you child to do their best on this test.

Tuesday- 1st hour (6th grade) and 2nd hour (7th grade) will take the Star Math Test.
 1st hour  along with 8th hour will do Lesson 15- CC5NBT.3b. I can compare and order decimals to thousandths using place value.
Eighth grade while continue to work on adding/subtracting rational numbers (fractions). Assignment will be an assignment on the same.

Wednesday- 4th hour (7th grade) will take the Star Math Test from 8:45-10:05.
 Second and 4th hour (7th grade) will work on the Unit 2 Test Prep.

Thursday- 7th hour (eighth grade) will take the Star Math Test as well as 8th hour (6th grade).
4th hour (7th grade) will work on Accelerated Math as will 8th hour (6th grade). 7th hour (eighth grade will work on a review of adding/subtracting rational numbers including integers, decimals, and fractions.

Friday- All grades will work on Math Facts In a Flash and Accelerated Math.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday all three grade levels will work on Accelerated Math.

Sixth Grade- Lesson 13 CC5NBT2, I can find patterns in quotients when dividing  by powers of ten. Assignment page 26
Seventh Grade- Lesson 2-5 CC6NS8, I can find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane. Assignment page 50 
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 12-19-13

Sixth Grade- Lesson 14 CC5NBT3a, I can read and write decimals through thousandths. Assignment page 28
Seventh Grade- Problem Solving Connection- This is a culmination of the Lessons in Unit 2. Students may work with a partner. Assignment page 51-54
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 1-6-14