Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday all three grade levels will work on Accelerated Math.

Sixth Grade- Lesson 13 CC5NBT2, I can find patterns in quotients when dividing  by powers of ten. Assignment page 26
Seventh Grade- Lesson 2-5 CC6NS8, I can find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane. Assignment page 50 
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 12-19-13

Sixth Grade- Lesson 14 CC5NBT3a, I can read and write decimals through thousandths. Assignment page 28
Seventh Grade- Problem Solving Connection- This is a culmination of the Lessons in Unit 2. Students may work with a partner. Assignment page 51-54
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 1-6-14

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