Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7, 2014

What a week!! More snow coming?

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
All three grades will be working on the computers using Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. I am very pleased with the growth the students are showing!!!

Sixth Grade- Lesson 17 - CC5NBT5- I can multiply by one digit numbers. Page 33-34
Seventh Grade-Lesson 3-2- CC6EE2a and CC6EE6- I can use variables and constants to write algebraic expressions. Page 63-66
Eighth Grade- Quiz- Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers

Sixth Grade- Lesson 18- CC5NBT5- I can multiply by two digit numbers. Page 35-36
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-3 - CC6EE2b- I can identify and describe parts of an expression. Page 67-68
Eighth Grade-  Problem Solving Connections Unit 1. Use Learning Targets from Unit One to solve a problem with a partner.

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