Friday, December 5, 2014

December 8-12, 2014

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- Math Facts in a Flash

Wednesday- Learning Target - I can multiply whole numbers and fractions. Packets



Monday- Continue web search on National Geographic Web Site. Earthquakes

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1-5, 2014


Monday- Summarized Tuesday's lab, went over last set of questions, watched a video to review
Tuesday- Review with Quizlet (beckyspencer)
Wednesday- TEST
Thursday- Begin Earthquakes
Friday- Earthquakes web search

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- Accelerated Math and Math Facts in a Flash
Wednesday- Math Packet

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 24-25, 2014

Math Skills
Monday and Tuesday- Math Facts in a Flash

Monday- Complete Plate Boundaries information and questions
Tuesday- Plate Boundaries Lab

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 17 and 21 , 2014

Math Skills
Monday- Subtracting Mixed Numbers with regrouping
Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Farkle

Monday- Begin Divergent, Convergent, and Transform Plate Boundaries with Passing Plates II - Who's Fault?
Friday- Continue plate boundaries with page 5 and questions

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11-15, 2014

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday- Accelerated Math, and Math Facts in a Flash
Thursday- Subtraction with Mixed Numbers

Monday- Two video clips on Mid-Ocean Ridges and a map of the ridges
Tuesday-Comprehension questions on Mid-Ocean Ridges
Wednesday- Reading on Magnetic Mapping of the Ocean Floor and comprehension questions, word search with vocabulary
Thursday- Complete illustrations of Magnetic Mapping and comprehension questions

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 3-7, 2014

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math

Thursday- Subtracting Fraction in the packet

8th Grade Science

Monday-  "October Sky"  The students had asked to watch this as a tie into our study of the Earth's Layers and mining. I  like the message that through hard work you can reach your goal/dream and that it isn't necessarily easy.
Tuesday- "October Sky"
Wednesday-  Plate Tectonics- Earth's sources of heat and Pangaea- identifying the continents before and after the continental shift
Thursday- Continue with Wednesday's Learning Targets.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math
Students work at their individual level in both programs.

8th Grade Science

TEST on Wednesday

Monday- Students will complete an illustration of the chemical composition of the Earth's Layers vs the physical properties.

Tuesday- Students will complete a set of flashcards to review for the test.

Wednesday- Test over layers of the Earth. This is a much shorter est and unit than the last one.

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 20-24, 2014

Math Skills

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday- Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math on the Chrome Books
Wednesday- Continue division with fractions in the packets.

8th Grade Science

Monday- I am offering an extra credit opportunity on Monday. I will give the students a picture of the Carbon Cycle and/or the Nitrogen Cycle. They will have a choice of either labeling the drawing or writing a paragraph explaining the drawing. If time, we will go over The Layered Earth and I will collect the labeled drawing they did in class on Friday.
Tuesday- Bill Nye video on the Earth's Crust and two music videos on the same.
Wednesday- Worksheet over Bill Nye Video
Thursday- Read about Earth's Layers
Friday- Compare and contrast Earth's Layers by Chemical Composition and Physical Properties and oceanic crust and continental crust. Students will complete a "Double Bubble" on each.

More after the weekend!! Hope yours is full of sunshine!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 13-17, 2014

Eighth Grade Science

Monday- Review for test
Tuesday- Review for test
Wednesday- Test
Thursday- Go over test. Begin Layers of the Earth. No homework
Friday- Continue layers of the Earth. No homework

Math Skills
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Wednesday- Group lesson- Dividing fractions

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6-10, 2014

Math Skills

Monday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Tuesday- Star Math Test. We will take it once a month to track progress.
Wednesday- Continue packet on multiplication of fractions.
Thursday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math
Friday- Math Facts in a Flash, Accelerated Math

8th Grade Science

Monday- Pretest for Interim Benchmark Test- The score will show up in Power School but does not factor into the grade. Returned the quizzes the students took Friday. Ask your child how they did!
Tuesday- We will read about the Nitrogen Cycle and answer questions.
Wednesday- Biogeochemical Foldable
Thursday- Continue foldable
Friday- Earth Science DVD.

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 29- October 3, 2014

Math Skills 7th and 8th Grade

We are going to begin reviewing basic skills one day a week with worksheets. I will teach a whole group lesson to begin. Next the students will practice together. Students will finish independently. I am beginning with everyone's favorite....Fractions!

The other four days will be Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. Students are progressing well!

No homework in Math Skills!!!!

Science 8th Grade

We have begun the Biogeochemical Cycles. Thursday and Friday we drew and added color to the Nitrogen Cycle and Carbon Cycle.

Monday and Tuesday we will label the cycles and discuss in class. No homework!
Wednesday we will watch a video about  global warming and some of the effects through the lives three sets of animals.Students will need to write a summary. It will be due Friday in case we have to finish the video Thursday.
Thursday we will begin a Biogeochemical foldable.
Friday we will finish foldable if necessary then begin a handout with more information on the Biogeochemical cycles. No homework.

Math Skills- Grading

Math Skills will be graded on a pass/fail system. Students will be evaluated on their level of effort. They will earn one point each day for good effort. Passing will be 70% or higher.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014

September 19, 2014

Math Skills- No homework. Students will work on Chrome Books in class using Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. This will be everyday until further notice.

Science 8

Our overall unit is Earth Science. Currently we are studying the four subsystems of the Earth, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere.
The three assignments for this week were:
1. Lesson 1-1 and 1-2
2. Education
3. Details and visual of the four subsystems. This was due today so is not in Power
School yet.

Week of September 22, 2014
1. Monday we will continue with the systems and whether they are open or closed. We will also continue with the open closed chart. Due Tuesday.
2.Earth Systems Science handout (Can you get the idea systems are important?) :-) This will be a two day assignment.

Donations of Kleenex would be greatly appreciated.
Students need a three ring binder and colored pencils, if they wish. I have some but not all of the colors they like.

I had knee replacement surgery August 6th so did not start the year. My surgeon is amazed at my progress and I returned to school September 8th, two weeks earlier than she would have predicted.

Please email any concerns to

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 5 - May 9, 2014

Monday -
All grades will have a review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of mixed numbers.

Tuesday/Thursday - Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. Students took the Star Math Test this week. Ask yours how he/she did!

Wednesday -
Sixth Grade- Lesson 35 CC5NBT7 I can identify, describe, and create numeric patterns with decimals. page 69-70
Seventh Grade - Lesson 5-3 CC6RP2, CC6 RP3b I Can use unit rate to solve problems and make comparisons. page 119-122
Eighth Grade- Continue with area and perimeter of quadrilaterals. Worksheet

Friday -
Sixth Grade- Lesson 36 CC5NBT7 I can solve problems using the strategy "make a table". page 71-72
Seventh Grade - Lesson 5-4 CC6RP3c I can relate percents to fractions and decimals. page 123-126
Eighth Grade - Continue with area and perimeter of quadrilaterals. Worksheet

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 28 - May 2, 2014

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Sixth - Eighth
Accelerated Math/ Math Facts in a Flash/Star Math  Test

Sixth Grade - Lesson 33 CC5NBT7- I can add decimals. Page 65-66
Seventh Grade- Lesson 51 (continued) page 115-116
Eighth Grade- Area of Triangles

Sixth Grade- Lesson 34- CC5NBT7- I can subtract decimals. Page 67-68
Seventh Grade- Lesson 5-2- CC6RP3a- I can use tables and graphs to understand ratios. Page 117-118
Eighth Grade- Area of Parallelograms - Worksheets

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 21-25, 2014

Tuesday and Thursday Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math 6th - 8th grade.


6th Grade- Lesson 30 CC5NBT7- I can model decimal addition using base ten blocks.  page 59-60
7th Grade- Continue Unit 4 Problem Solving Connection, begin Unit 4 Test Prep
8th Grade- Lesson 5-3 CC7G6- I can find the area of composite figures. page 119-122


6th Grade- Lesson 31 CC5NBT7- I can model decimal subtraction using base-ten blocks. page 61-62
7th Grade- Go over PSC and collect Test Prep
8th Grade- Lesson 5-4 CC7G6- I can find the surface area of a figure made of prisms. page 123-126


6th Grade- Lesson 32 CC5NBT7- I can use rounding to estimate sums and differences. page 63-64
7th Grade- Lesson 51 CC6RP1, CC6RP3a, I can write ratios and equivalent ratios. page 113-116
8th Grade- Lesson 5-5 CC7G6- I can find the volume of a figure made of cubes and prisms. page 127-130

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 14-18, 2014

Monday- Accelerated Math/ Math Facts in a Flash-   6-8

Sixth Grade- Lesson 29- CC5NBT6- I can solve problems by using the strategy "Draw a Diagram".
Seventh Grade-Lesson 4-5 CC6EE5, CC6EE6, CC6EE8- I can represent solutions of in equalities. Page 101-104
Eighth Grade- Continue circumference of a circle. Find radius and diameter from a circumference.

Wednesday- Accelerated Math/Math Facts in a Flash- 6-8

March 31- April2, 2014

Sixth Grade- Continue two digit divisor division with a worksheet
Seventh Grade- Review for math test in regular math class
Eighth Grade- Reviewed circumference of a circle. Assigned page 114

Accelerated Math and Math Facts in a Flash for all

Wednesday- Reward for hard work prior to Break! We watched "Frozen".

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 24-28, 2014

Sixth Grade- Continue Lesson 27 (Division with two digit divisors) page 54
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-3 CC6EE7- I can solve equations that contain multiplication or division. page 93-96
Eighth Grade- Continue circumference of a circle. Worksheets #5-7

Sixth - Eighth- Star Math Test

Sixth Grade- Continue two digit divisor division. Page 56 #5-16
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-4 CC6EE9- I can use equations, tables, and graphs to represent relationships between two variables. Page 97-100
Eighth Grade- Continue circumference, worksheets #8-11

Sixth-Eighth- Accelerated Math

Sixth Grade- Continue two digit divisor division. Worksheet
Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-5 CC6EE5, CC6EE6, CC6EE8- I can represent solutions of inequalities. Page 101-104

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 17-March 21, 2014

Monday and Wednesday- Accelerated Math all three grade levels

Friday- Funday- Farkle or Accelerated Math

Sixth Grade- Lesson 26- CC5NBT6 I can estimate quotients using compatible numbers. Page 51-52

Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-2 CC6EE7 I can solve equations that contain addition or subtraction. page 89-92

Eighth Grade- Lesson 5-1 CC7G4 I can find the circumference of a circle. Page 111-114

Sixth Grade- Lesson 27 CC5NBT6 I can divide by 2-digit divisors. Page 53-54

Seventh Grade- Lesson 4-3 CC6EE7 I can solve equations that contain multiplication or division. Page 93-96

Eighth Grade- Lesson 5-2 CC7G4 I can find the area of a circle. Page 115-118

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 18-21, 2014

Four Day Week

Tuesday/Thursday  Accelerated Math on the Chrome Books


Sixth Grade- Lesson 22 CC5NBT6- I can place the first digit in the quotient by estimation or using place value. Page 43-44
 Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-5 CC6EE3 and CC6EE4- I can identify and write equivalent expressions. Page 73-76
Eighth Grade- Adding Mixed Numbers #1


Sixth Grade- Lesson 23 CC5NBT6- I can divide 3- and 4- digit dividends by 1- digit divisors. Page 45-46
Seventh Grade- Unit 3 Problem Solving Connections Page 77-80
Eighth Grade- Adding Mixed Numbers #2

Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7, 2014

What a week!! More snow coming?

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
All three grades will be working on the computers using Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math. I am very pleased with the growth the students are showing!!!

Sixth Grade- Lesson 17 - CC5NBT5- I can multiply by one digit numbers. Page 33-34
Seventh Grade-Lesson 3-2- CC6EE2a and CC6EE6- I can use variables and constants to write algebraic expressions. Page 63-66
Eighth Grade- Quiz- Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers

Sixth Grade- Lesson 18- CC5NBT5- I can multiply by two digit numbers. Page 35-36
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-3 - CC6EE2b- I can identify and describe parts of an expression. Page 67-68
Eighth Grade-  Problem Solving Connections Unit 1. Use Learning Targets from Unit One to solve a problem with a partner.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January 27 - January 31, 2014

Interim Benchmark Testing is over!!! Ask your child how they scored on their Star Math Mid Term.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
All three grades will work on Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math.

Sixth Grade- Lesson 16 - CC5NBT4- I can round decimals to any place. Page 31-32
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-1-CC6EE1- I can use exponents to represent numbers. Page 59-62
Eighth Grade- Review Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers (integers, decimals, fractions)

Sixth Grade- Lesson 17- CC6NBT5- I can multiply by one digit numbers. Page 33-34
Seventh Grade- Lesson 3-2 CC6EE2a and CC6EE6- I can use variables and constants to write algebraic expressions Page 63-66
Eighth Grade- Quiz over Adding/Subtracting Rational Numbers

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20, 2014 - January 24, 2014

Interim Benchmark Testing

The Interim Benchmark Test for our class will be the Star Math Test. It is a part of our Accelerated Math Program. Please encourage you child to do their best on this test.

Tuesday- 1st hour (6th grade) and 2nd hour (7th grade) will take the Star Math Test.
 1st hour  along with 8th hour will do Lesson 15- CC5NBT.3b. I can compare and order decimals to thousandths using place value.
Eighth grade while continue to work on adding/subtracting rational numbers (fractions). Assignment will be an assignment on the same.

Wednesday- 4th hour (7th grade) will take the Star Math Test from 8:45-10:05.
 Second and 4th hour (7th grade) will work on the Unit 2 Test Prep.

Thursday- 7th hour (eighth grade) will take the Star Math Test as well as 8th hour (6th grade).
4th hour (7th grade) will work on Accelerated Math as will 8th hour (6th grade). 7th hour (eighth grade will work on a review of adding/subtracting rational numbers including integers, decimals, and fractions.

Friday- All grades will work on Math Facts In a Flash and Accelerated Math.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday all three grade levels will work on Accelerated Math.

Sixth Grade- Lesson 13 CC5NBT2, I can find patterns in quotients when dividing  by powers of ten. Assignment page 26
Seventh Grade- Lesson 2-5 CC6NS8, I can find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane. Assignment page 50 
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 12-19-13

Sixth Grade- Lesson 14 CC5NBT3a, I can read and write decimals through thousandths. Assignment page 28
Seventh Grade- Problem Solving Connection- This is a culmination of the Lessons in Unit 2. Students may work with a partner. Assignment page 51-54
Eighth Grade- Continue to review adding and subtracting rational numbers. Assignment 1-6-14