Tuesday, November 26, 2013

December 2- December 6 , 2013

Tuesday and Thursday Accelerated Math all three grades.

6th Grade
Monday- Check page 10, Lesson 6 CC5OA3, I can graph the relationship between two numerical patterns on a coordinate grid page 11-12.

Wednesday- Check page 12, Lesson 7 CC5NBT1, I can recognize the 10 to 1 relationship among place value positions. page 13-14

Friday- Check page 14, Lesson 8 CC5NBT1, I can read and write whole numbers to hundred millions. Page 15-16

7th Grade
Monday- Go over page 29-32 together, Assign Test Prep page 33-34 for review.
Wednesday- Go over Test Prep, Lesson 2-1 , CC6NS5, CC6NS6a, CC6NS6c, I can represent positive and negative numbers on a number line page 37-38.
Friday- Check page 38, Lesson 2-2, CC6NS7a, CC6NS7b, I can compare and order positive and negative numbers page 39-42

8th Grade
Monday- Handout on rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers. CC7NS1a, CC7NS1b, CC7NS1c, CC7NS1d I can add and subtract rational numbers (integers first). Worksheet
Wednesday- Continue Learning Target from Monday. Check Monday's Worksheet assign another one.
Friday- Finish Monday's Learning Target. Check Wednesday's worksheet, Assign last integer worksheet.

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