Friday, November 15, 2013

November 18-22, 2013

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Math Skills

Monday/Wednesday/Friday- Accelerated Math on Chrome Books

Sixth Grade- Lesson 4 CC5OA3- Learning Target- I can use two rules to generate a numerical pattern and identify the relationship between the corresponding terms. Class work page 7-8
Seventh Grade- Problem Solving Connection- CC6NS1, CC6NS2, CC6NS3, CC6NS4- Work together as a class on pages 29-32
Eighth Grade- More Review on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers- CC7NSA-1a,1b,1c, and 1d. Learning Target- I can add and subtract rational numbers (w/o a calculator :-) ) Worksheet for classwork

Sixth Grade- Lesson 5 CC5OA3- Learning Target- I can solve problems using the strategy, "solve a simpler problem".Class work page 9-10
Seventh Grade- Continue Problem Solving Activity
Eighth Grade- Continue CC7NSA- class work worksheet- Learning Target- I can add and subtract rational numbers w/o a calculator.

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