Friday, November 8, 2013

November 11-15, 2013

Student Led Conferences Tuesday Night 4:00- 6:30 PM.

All Grades- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Our Chrome Books (lap tops) are ready to roll and so are we!

Math Facts in a Flash- Two minutes to get 100% on 40 math facts!!! We started with addition and are working our way up!

Accelerated Math- Students work at their own level, determined by the Star Math Test. I select the objectives, students take a diagnostic test. I assign practice based on the diagnostic. Students continue to practice until I see that they are ready to test. Students then test and if successful, they move on to the next objectives. If not more practice.

Sixth Grade

Tuesday- Continue Lesson 3- CC.5.OA.2 Write Numerical Expression with words. Class work page 6 #1-12.
Thursday- Lesson 4- CC.5.OA.3 Generate a numerical pattern and identify the relationship between terms. Class work page 7-8

Seventh Grade

Tuesday- Lesson 1-7 CC.6.NS.4 Find the LCM of two numbers. Class work page 27-28
Thursday- Problem Solving Connection- Student will work in groups of 2-3 and use all of the previous Learning Targets to solve the problems.

Eight Grade

Tuesday-  Lesson 1-8 CC.7.NS.2b I can divide rational numbers. Class work 2-5 Practice B.
Thursday- Continue Lesson 1-8 2-5 Practice B.

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