Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4-8, 2013

Thursday all three grade levels will work in the computer lab using our Accelerated Math Program. We will work on math facts and individualized lessons.

Sixth Grade
Monday- Lesson 2, CC.5.OA.1, Evaluate numerical expressions with (  ), [  ], and {  }. Classwork page 3 #1-6
Tuesday- Continue Learning Target Classwork page 4 #1-10
Wednesday- Lesson 3, CC.5.OA.2 Write Numerical Expressions. Classwork page 5 #1-5
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Continue Lesson 3. Classwork page 6 #1-10

Seventh Grade
Monday- Continue Lesson 1-5, Dividing Decimals, CC.6.NS.3, Classwork page 22
Tuesday-Lesson 1-6 Finding and Using Greatest Common Factor, CC.6.NS.4, page 23-24
Wednesday- Continue Lesson 1-6, Classwork page 25-26
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Lesson 1-7 CC.6.NS.4, Finding the Least Common Multiple, Classwork page 27-28

Eighth Grade
Monday- Continue 1-5 Dividing Rational NumbersCC.7.NS.2b,  Classwork page 22
Tuesday- Continue 1-5 with worksheets for Classwork
Wednesday- Same
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Same as Thursday

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