Friday, December 6, 2013

December 9-13, 2013

Grades 6-8 will use Accelerated Math on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Grade Six

Monday- Lesson 8-CC5NBT1- I can read and write whole numbers through hundred millions. Page 15-16
Wednesday- Lesson 9- CC5NBT1- I can read, model, and write decimals to thousandths. Page 17-18
Friday- Lesson 10- CC5NBT2- I can write and evaluate repeated factors in exponent form. Page 19-20.

Grade Seven

Monday- Lesson 2-1, I can represent positive and negative numbers on a number line. Pages 37-38
Wednesday- Lesson 2-2, I can compare and order positive and negative numbers. Page 39-42.
Friday- Continue Lesson 2-2.

Grade Eight

Monday- Continue adding/subtracting positive and negative integers. Worksheet 12-9-13
Wednesday- Continue- Worksheet 12-11-13
Friday- Continue- Worksheet 12-13-13

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

December 2- December 6 , 2013

Tuesday and Thursday Accelerated Math all three grades.

6th Grade
Monday- Check page 10, Lesson 6 CC5OA3, I can graph the relationship between two numerical patterns on a coordinate grid page 11-12.

Wednesday- Check page 12, Lesson 7 CC5NBT1, I can recognize the 10 to 1 relationship among place value positions. page 13-14

Friday- Check page 14, Lesson 8 CC5NBT1, I can read and write whole numbers to hundred millions. Page 15-16

7th Grade
Monday- Go over page 29-32 together, Assign Test Prep page 33-34 for review.
Wednesday- Go over Test Prep, Lesson 2-1 , CC6NS5, CC6NS6a, CC6NS6c, I can represent positive and negative numbers on a number line page 37-38.
Friday- Check page 38, Lesson 2-2, CC6NS7a, CC6NS7b, I can compare and order positive and negative numbers page 39-42

8th Grade
Monday- Handout on rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers. CC7NS1a, CC7NS1b, CC7NS1c, CC7NS1d I can add and subtract rational numbers (integers first). Worksheet
Wednesday- Continue Learning Target from Monday. Check Monday's Worksheet assign another one.
Friday- Finish Monday's Learning Target. Check Wednesday's worksheet, Assign last integer worksheet.

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 18-22, 2013

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Math Skills

Monday/Wednesday/Friday- Accelerated Math on Chrome Books

Sixth Grade- Lesson 4 CC5OA3- Learning Target- I can use two rules to generate a numerical pattern and identify the relationship between the corresponding terms. Class work page 7-8
Seventh Grade- Problem Solving Connection- CC6NS1, CC6NS2, CC6NS3, CC6NS4- Work together as a class on pages 29-32
Eighth Grade- More Review on Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers- CC7NSA-1a,1b,1c, and 1d. Learning Target- I can add and subtract rational numbers (w/o a calculator :-) ) Worksheet for classwork

Sixth Grade- Lesson 5 CC5OA3- Learning Target- I can solve problems using the strategy, "solve a simpler problem".Class work page 9-10
Seventh Grade- Continue Problem Solving Activity
Eighth Grade- Continue CC7NSA- class work worksheet- Learning Target- I can add and subtract rational numbers w/o a calculator.

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 11-15, 2013

Student Led Conferences Tuesday Night 4:00- 6:30 PM.

All Grades- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Our Chrome Books (lap tops) are ready to roll and so are we!

Math Facts in a Flash- Two minutes to get 100% on 40 math facts!!! We started with addition and are working our way up!

Accelerated Math- Students work at their own level, determined by the Star Math Test. I select the objectives, students take a diagnostic test. I assign practice based on the diagnostic. Students continue to practice until I see that they are ready to test. Students then test and if successful, they move on to the next objectives. If not more practice.

Sixth Grade

Tuesday- Continue Lesson 3- CC.5.OA.2 Write Numerical Expression with words. Class work page 6 #1-12.
Thursday- Lesson 4- CC.5.OA.3 Generate a numerical pattern and identify the relationship between terms. Class work page 7-8

Seventh Grade

Tuesday- Lesson 1-7 CC.6.NS.4 Find the LCM of two numbers. Class work page 27-28
Thursday- Problem Solving Connection- Student will work in groups of 2-3 and use all of the previous Learning Targets to solve the problems.

Eight Grade

Tuesday-  Lesson 1-8 CC.7.NS.2b I can divide rational numbers. Class work 2-5 Practice B.
Thursday- Continue Lesson 1-8 2-5 Practice B.

Monday, November 4, 2013


The schedule for Seminar is as follows:

Students watch CNN Student News. We say the Pledge of Allegiance. We discuss the news. Monday through Wednesday students have the rest of the time to use for homework, getting extra help from teachers, or silent reading. Thursdays we have been focusing on some type of community service. We have decorated bags for the Kids' Food Network, made and sold Rainbow Loom bracelets and sculpty clay pens to benefit the children I do mission work with  every year in the Dominican Republic. Fridays we dance :-). After the news and the Pledge we dance to Just Dance on the projector. Students also earn a sucker if their planner is filled out for the whole week.

November 4-8, 2013

Thursday all three grade levels will work in the computer lab using our Accelerated Math Program. We will work on math facts and individualized lessons.

Sixth Grade
Monday- Lesson 2, CC.5.OA.1, Evaluate numerical expressions with (  ), [  ], and {  }. Classwork page 3 #1-6
Tuesday- Continue Learning Target Classwork page 4 #1-10
Wednesday- Lesson 3, CC.5.OA.2 Write Numerical Expressions. Classwork page 5 #1-5
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Continue Lesson 3. Classwork page 6 #1-10

Seventh Grade
Monday- Continue Lesson 1-5, Dividing Decimals, CC.6.NS.3, Classwork page 22
Tuesday-Lesson 1-6 Finding and Using Greatest Common Factor, CC.6.NS.4, page 23-24
Wednesday- Continue Lesson 1-6, Classwork page 25-26
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Lesson 1-7 CC.6.NS.4, Finding the Least Common Multiple, Classwork page 27-28

Eighth Grade
Monday- Continue 1-5 Dividing Rational NumbersCC.7.NS.2b,  Classwork page 22
Tuesday- Continue 1-5 with worksheets for Classwork
Wednesday- Same
Thursday- Lab
Friday- Same as Thursday

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 28- November 1

All three grade levels have taken the Star Math Test. The computer will now assign a "library" where the students will work at their own level. Today we worked on Math Facts in a Flash. Again students will progress at their own speed.

Sixth Grade- This week's Learning Target will be CC.5.OA.1, Evaluating Numerical Expressions. We are using the On Core Workbook to review skills from 5th grade.

Seventh Grade- This week's Learning Target will be CC.6.NS.3, Dividing Decimals. We are using the On Core Workbook to review skills from 6th grade.

Eighth Grade- This week's Learning Target is CC.7.NS.2b, Dividing Rational Numbers. We are using the On Core Workbooks to review skills from 7th grade.

The way this will look is three days on the computer working on Math Facts in a Flash and Accelerated Math and two days reviewing previously taught skills.

I will be in the building at an on-site training on Monday. I am looking forward to learning the final parts of the Accelerated Math Program!

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 21-25, 2013

All three grade levels will be given the Star Math Test on Tuesday. This will determine where the  students' practice should begin. We will use Accelerated Math to practice at school as well as a math facts component. Students will have usernames and passwords so they can practice at home too. The test will given every six to eight weeks to measure growth from the practice.

Sixth Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.5.NBT.1, Decimal Place Value.

Seventh Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.6.NS.3, Multiplying Decimals.

Eight Grade- The Learning Target this week is CC.7.NS.2a and CC.7.NS.2c, Multiplying Rational Numbers.

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 14-18, 2013

All three grade levels are reviewing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals.

This week we will MEAP two days.

Sixth grade's learning target this week will be to analyze patterns and relationships. CC.5.OA.B3

Seventh grade's learning target will be CC.6.NS.3 this week.  Fluently adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each.

Eighth grade's learning target will be to add and subtract rational numbers including CC.7.NS.1a, CC.7.NS. 1b, CC.7.NS.1c, CC.7.NS. 1d.

Math MEAP this week!!!!! Our kids will rock the math MEAP!!!!

Looking forward to starting our new on-line math program, Accelerated Math, soon!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9-13

Math Skills 6th,7th, and 8th grade

Monday- All three grade levels- Basic Skills Assessment
Tuesday- All three grade levels- Continue Basic Skills Assessment
Wednesday- All three grade levels- Build Social Contract
Thursday-All three grade levels begin Singapore Problem Solving (three different levels)
6th grade- Skills Set 1A
7th grade- Skills Set 1
8th grade Skills Set 1
Friday- All three grade levels-Math Glyphs

Thank you for the donations of Kleenex!!!

Please make sure your child has PENCILS!!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 25-27

Sixth Grade

Monday- Learning Target- I can identify and evaluate expressions. Lesson 2-1- HW 2-1 Practice A
Tuesday- Continue 2-1- HW 2-1 Practice B
Wednesday- Singapore Packets due- No HW over Break :-)

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue to work on Study Guide for Chapter 6 Test- HW- STUDY!!!!
Tuesday- Chapter 6 Test
Wednesday- Singapore Packets due- No HW over Break :-)

Friday, March 15, 2013



Sixth Grade

Monday- Continue Learning Target 1-6 (I can identify properties of rational numbers and use them to simplify numerical equations.) HW Properties worksheets
Tuesday- Begin Learning Target 1-7 (I can evaluate algebraic expressions.) HW 1-7 Practice A
Wednesday- Continue 1-7 HW 1-7 Practice B
Thursday- Begin 1-8 (I can translate words into numbers, variables, and operations.) HW 1-8 Practice A
Friday- Continue 1-8, HW 1-8 Practice B

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue 6-6 (I can find commission, sales tax, and percent of earnings.) HW- 6-6 Practice B
Tuesday- Continue- HW 6-6 Problem Solving
Wednesday- Begin Learning Target 6-7 (I can compute simple interest.) HW- 6-7 Practice A
Thursday- Continue 6-7, HW 6-7 Practice B
Friday- Continue 6-7, HW 6-7 Problem Solving

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11-15

Sixth Grade

Monday- Continue Order of Operations- Learning Target- I can use order of operations to simplify numerical expressions. 1-5- HW 1-5 Practice A
Tuesday- Continue 1-5- HW 1-5-  Practice B
Wednesday- Begin new Learning Target- I can identify properties of rational numbers and use them to simplify numerical expressions. 1-6- HW- 1-6 Practice A
Thursday- Continue 1-6 - HW 1-6 Practice B
Friday- Begin new Learning Target- I can evaluate algebraic expressions. 1-7 HW 1-7 Practice A

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue 6-5 Learning Target- I can find percent increase or decrease, HW- 6-5 Reading Strategies/Problem Solving.
Tuesday- 6-6 Learning Target- I can find the commission, sales tax, or percent of earnings. HW 6-6 Practice A
Wednesday- Continue 6-6, HW 6-6 Practice B
Thursday- Continue 6-6, HW 6-6 Problem Solving/ Reteach
Friday- Begin new Learning Target- I can Compute Simple Interest. HW 6-7 Practice A

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 4-8

Sixth Grade

Monday- Complete Basic Skills Test
Tuesday- Continue Learning Target- I can represent numbers by using exponents, Know It Notes 1-3 (red book), HW 1-3 Practice B and 1-3 Practice C
Wednesday- Continue HW 1-2 (blue book)Reading Strategies/1-2 Puzzles, Twisters and Teasers
Thursday- Begin Order of Operations 1-4 Know It Notes (red book), HW 1-4 Practice B
Friday- Continue Order of Operations 1-5 (blue book), HW 1-5 Practice B

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue Learning Target- I can find a number when the percent is known.HW 6-4 Reading Strategies and 6-4 Puzzles, Twisters, and Teasers
Tuesday- Continue 6-4, HW 6-4 Practice B
Wednesday- Begin 6-5, Learning Target- I can solve multi-step percent problems, find percent  increase or decrease, HW 6-5 Practice A
Thursday- Continue 6-5, HW 6-5 Practice B
Friday- Continue 6-5, HW 6-5 Reteach and 6-5 Problem Solving

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25- March 1

Sixth Grade

Monday- Continue 1-1 We can identify and expand patterns. HW 1-1 Reading Strategies and 1-1 Puzzles, Twisters and Teasers
Tuesday- Begin 1-2 Learning Target- We can represent numbers by using exponents. HW 1-2 Practice B
Wednesday- Continue 1-2, HW 1-2 Reading Strategies and 1-2 Puzzles, Twisters, and Teasers
Thursday- Basic Skills Test

Seventh Grade

Monday- Continue 6-3 We can find percents, HW 6-3 Practice A and 6-3 Puzzles, Twisters, and Teasers
Tuesday- 6-4 We can find a number when the percent is known. Know It Notes together, HW 6-4 Practice B
Wednesday- Continue 6-4 HW 6-4 Reading Strategies and Puzzles, Twisters, and Teasers
Thursday- Basic Skills Test

February 18-22

Sixth Grade

Monday- Pretest- Expressions
Tuesday- Snow Day
Wednesday- Student Led Conference Preparation
Thursday- 1-1 Learning Target- We can identify and expand patterns. Know It Notes together,
HW 1-1 Practice B
Friday- No School

Seventh Grade

Monday - 6-3 Learning Target- We can find the percent of a number. Know It Notes together,
Tuesday- Snow Day
Wednesday- Student Led Conference Preparation
Thursday- Continue 6-3 HW- 6-3 Practice B
Friday- No School

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4-8, 2013

Sixth Grade

Monday- Continue Transformations (translation, rotation, and reflection) with Practice 14-7, HW E 14-7
Tuesday- Continue Transformations, HW Flip, Slide, Rotate
Wednesday- Quiz over Coordinate Plane
Thursday- 2-11 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers, HQ 2-11 Practice A
Friday- 2-11 Continued, HW 2-11 Practice B

Seventh Grade

Monday- Finished Linear Relationships in the Coordinate Plane, HW Worksheet
Tuesday- Quiz Learning Target 3
Wednesday- 6-1 Converting between Percents, Fractions, and Decimals, HW 6-1 Practice B
Thursday- Continue 6-1, HW 6-1 Practice C
Friday- 6-3 Finding Percents, HW 6-3 Practice B

January 28 - February 1

Sixth Grade

Monday- Snow Day
Tuesday- Absolute Value 2-1, HW 2-1 Practice B
Wednesday- Continue Absolute Value, HW packet
Thursday- 8-10 Transformations, No HW
Friday- Discovery Education Testing in computer lab

Seventh Grade

Monday- Snow Day
Tuesday- Table, Graph, Equation with Linear Equations,
Wednesday- Continue, HW Four Graphs
Thursday- Continue, HW Six Graphs
Friday- Discovery Education Testing in computer lab

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We are on our last box. I have purchased 16 boxes this year. If you can donate a box that would be much appreciated. Thank you!!!

Also your child needs a PENCIL everyday. Please check to make sure they have pencils for school. Thank you!

January 21-24, 2013

Sixth Grade

Monday- Continue 11-3 Coordinate Plane, HW 11-3 Practice A and Practice B
Tuesday- Continue 11-3, HW 11-3 Practice C
Wednesday- Begin 2-1, Focus on Absolute Value, HW 2-1 Practice A
Thursday- Shortened day, Singapore Packet and Extra Credit

Seventh Grade

Monday- AIM Part Two, Linear Relationships- Last page HW
Tuesday- Activity to review Mean, Median, Mode, and Range- No HW
Wednesday- Jumping Jack Activity, HW coordinate graph and line plot on last past of packet
Thursday- Singapore Packets, due January 31

January 14-18, 2013

Sixth Grade

Monday- 11-2 Comparing and Ordering Integers, HW 11-2 Practice A and B
Tuesday- NO School
Wednesday- Continue 11-2 with Reteach 11-2, HW 11-2 Problem Solving
Thursday- Continue, HW Ed Helper
Friday- 11-3 The Coordinate Plane, No HW

Seventh Grade
Monday- HW  Ed Helper Functions
Tuesday- No School
Wednesday- Continue 3-2, HW 3-2 Challenge and Puzzle
Thursday- 3-2 Problem Solving
Friday- Begin AIM Linear Relationships

January 7-11, 2013

Sixth Grade

Monday- Pretest Number System II
Tuesday- 11-1 Integers in the Real World, HW Ed Helper
Wednesday- Continue 11-1, HW Problem Solving 11-1
Thursday- Continue 11-1, HW 11-1 Practice A and B
Friday- Partner Cut and Order

Seventh Grade

Monday- Begin Coordinate Plane
Tuesday- 11-3 Coordinate Plane, 11-3 Practice B
Wednesday- 3-2 Coordinate Plane, HW Practice A and Try This
Thursday- Continue 3-2, HW 3-2 Practice B
Friday- Continue 3-2, HW 3-2 Reteach

December 17-21, 2012

Sixth Grade-

Monday-HW- Study Guide
Tuesday- Go over Study Guide-HE- Study
Wednesday- Test
Thursday- Finish Test, work on Singapore Packets or Extra Credit
Friday- Movie and Pizza

Seventh Grade-

Monday- Finish Quiz, Target Two Part Two
Tuesday- Coordinate Graph- Sailboat
Wednesday- Coordinate Graph- Santa
Thursday- Singapore Packet, Extra Credit
Friday- Christmas DVD